Reel Facts Movie Trivia

Source Content

Reel Facts came from a mix of research and creative inspiration. The written content was sourced from trusted platforms like IMDb, where I gathered movie titles, synopses, release years, directors, and cast details. Trivia facts were pulled from IMDb as well. Pull quotes were carefully chosen to reflect iconic lines from the movies.

Visually, I aimed to make the book feel cinematic. High-resolution images came from public domain archives, free-use stock photo sites, and licensed materials where needed. For the typography, I experimented with different fonts I felt fit well with each individual movie. A lot of design brainstorming happened in Adobe Illustrator and InDesign.

Thought Process

The goal was simple: make the book look and feel like you’re stepping into the movie.

  1. Cover Design:
    The cover had to grab attention, but also to have a minimalistic design, so I played with different fonts and type layouts and added spider webs on the side to add a little embellishment.  I played with textures to give it a spooky vibe.
  1. Chapters on Different Films:
    Each chapter was treated like its own mini world, tailored to the specific movie. For example:
    • The Evil Dead  had a blue-and-white palette with a pop of red, a cut out of Ash in the middle of the trivia facts, and a pull quote that’s eye-catching.
    • Hocus Pocus leaned more to purple, yellow and orange, inspired by the film.
    • I wanted every chapter to feel like the movie spilled onto the page.
  1. Trivia Fact Designs:
    Designing individual trivia facts was one of the most creative parts. I gave each fact a unique treatment. Underneath all the facts was a cut out of a character from the films. The character was made into a text wrap so the text would flow around the character. 
  1. Challenges:
    One of the biggest hurdles was keeping the layout visually exciting without overwhelming the reader. It was a balancing act between creative design and readability. Another issue was managing image quality; some of the films did not have great quality images for use.


If I could do it again, I’d make a few tweaks:

  1. I’d spend more time trying to find better quality images, some of the films had limited resources to use making it really hard to find decent images.
  2. I’d also spend more time on working with the background colors. Some of the colors didn’t come out that great on the print so there are a few little tweaks that need to happen.

If I had another week, I’d add:

  • Pictures of the top cast with their names underneath.
  • Maybe a different layout.

Final Booklet